Sensitive content

GovTEAMS OFFICIAL has been security accredited for information, up to OFFICIAL:Sensitive, previously known as Unclassified DLM.

GovTEAMS PROTECTED has been security accredited for information, up to PROTECTED.

For more information, please take a look at our security measures page. 

Dealing with sensitive content being added to your community

Classified information such as Cabinet-in-Confidence and other PROTECTED information must not be held on GovTEAMS OFFICIAL. If classified information is mistakenly added to GovTEAMS OFFICIAL, the following steps should be taken:

  • Remove all copies of the information from GovTEAMS OFFICIAL immediately.
  • Record the date, time and location of the information as well as the type of official resources involved. If information is uploaded as an attachment, record the exact title of the attachment.
  • Email the Department of Finance of the incident immediately at A member of our team will be in contact with you to follow up.
  • Follow your Agency’s relevant security policy.